Monday, 9 March 2015

Bali 9: Faces Of The Condemned Africans

Nine people are currently on death row, awaiting execution by firing squad in Indonesia. Seven of those convicted criminal are (top row from left) Australians Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan, Frenchman Serge Atlaoui and Brazilian Rodrigo Gularte (Bottom row from left) Nigerian Raheem Agbaje Salami, Filipina Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso, and Nigerian Silvester Obiekwe Nwolise

As Bali Nine ringleaders make their final legal bid to escape execution, meet the other Nigerian and Ghanaian inmates due to join then in front of the firing squad


In 1999 Nigerian Jaimu Owolabi Abashin was sentenced to life in prison, a year after he was caught smuggling 5.3 kilograms of heroin through Indonesia's Juanda airport.
In May 2006 his sentence was upgraded to the death sentence and he was not given an opportunity to appeal.
When first arrested, he purported to be a Spaniard named Raheem Agbaje Salami with the use of a fake passport.

17 years after his arrest, Indonesian authorities continue to use the man's false identity. It has been reported that the Nigerian joked about the mix-up wit h Australians Chan and Sukumaran through their cell walls on Nusakambangan.
Like Chan and Sukumaran, lawyers for Nigerian death row inmate Raheem Agbaje Salami failed to have a challenge against his clemency rejection heard in the administrative court on Monday.
Nigerian death row prisoner Raheem Agbaje Salami has already made friends with Chan and Sukumaran


Silvester Obiekwe is another Nigerian on death row. He was first arrested in 2003 for smuggling 1.2 kilograms of heroin into Indonesia. 
He was found with 66 capsules in his stomach. He is a 'priority' for execution as he has been caught operating drug syndicates whilst on death row.
Silvester Obiekwe is another Nigerian on death row. He is a 'priority' for execution as he has been caught operating drug syndicates whilst on death row

Another Nigerian man, Okwudili Ayotanze, could also face the firing squad with Chan and Sukumaran.  
He was caught trying to smuggle 1.15 kilograms of heroin from Pakistan into Jakarta. However, he has now become a gospel singer, performing with prison guards and has released an album from behind bars.
Okwudili Ayotanze (2nd left) is a charismatic gospel singer who has released albums with titles such as "Never be afraid"


Martin Anderson is a man from Ghana and was sentenced to death in June 2004 after he was convicted for possessing 50 grams of heroin in Jakarta in 2003.
It is understood that in 11 years a Ghanaian official has never visited him. 

Nigerian citizen Silvester Obiekwe to be executed along with Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran known as the ringleaders of the Bali Nine group in Indonesia

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